Shell Shocked (Camp X, #4) (2024)

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Shell Shocked (Camp X, #4) (1)

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Shell Shocked (Camp X, #4) (2)

Camp X #4

Eric Walters


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Jack and George have assumed new identities and are back at work as special operatives, keeping an eye out for suspicious activity at an ammunitions plant. They don't have to wait long before they uncover a plot by German spies to blow up the plant and everyone in it! It's up to the quickthinking boys to find a way to stop them and stay alive while doing it ...

    GenresHistorical FictionAdventureFictionChildrensMiddle GradeMysteryWar

272 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2002

About the author

Eric Walters


Eric was born in Toronto in 1957, which makes him "real old". But, as Eric says, "Just because I have to grow old doesn't mean that I have to grow up!" In his many roles as parent, teacher, social worker, youth sports coach and writer he is in constant contact with children and young adults. He draws from these experiences and feels that this helps him to capture the realistic interaction between young people - the conflicts, tensions, stresses and interests that make up their lives.

Eric began his writing as a teacher. He taught in classes from kindergarten up and his stories often reflect the curriculum that he was teaching. He always read stories - picture books and novels - to his students and this helped him to understand what children liked, responded to, and were inspired by. He enjoys the enthusiasm of his students and often looks at them to provide him with the inspiration to pursue a particular topic in both the classroom and in his writing.

Eric tries to write every day. When he has a story idea he starts with research. This could involve reading books, watching a documentary, or trying to experience the things that his characters are going to go through. This could include rock climbing or riding white water (for STARS), spending time in a wheelchair (Rebound), playing and walking with tigers (Tiger By The Tail), hanging around a tough biker bar (Diamonds in the Rough), standing out in his backyard in a blizzard wearing a T-shirt and shorts (Trapped In Ice), or traveling to Africa (Alexandria of Africa).

"The most important thing anybody ever told me about writing was to write what you know . . . and the only way to get to know things is to do your homework and research before you write," Eric stated.

Once the writing begins the story is always playing around in his head. He takes any opportunity, even if it's just a few minutes between presentations, to put things down, either with pen and paper or on his laptop.

Prior to entering teaching and writing Eric was a social worker (B.S.W., M.S.W., B.A.Hons - specialized major psychology). He worked in a variety of settings including child welfare, private practice, a mental health centre, and, for twenty years on a part-time basis as a Crisis Social Worker in an emergency department. He stopped teaching 4 years ago and left the ER only last year.

The majority of Eric's time is spent in the company of his wife, children and dogs (Lola a big standard poodle and a little white dog named Winnie The Poodle).

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2,353 reviews67 followers

July 14, 2021

I have to say, as a grown woman I am somewhat outside the target audience for this book, but Walters crafts such a good story that my being outside the target demographics mattered not at all.

I have really been enjoying this series overall and found something particularly satisfying in this book of the series. I really appreciated the development of the protagonist George and his brother Jack. I also appreciated that their mother was given a bit of a stronger role in the book, though she still only has a small part (it is a boys' adventure story after all 😉). I also appreciated that while Walters gave space for his characters to grow and become (and remain, because they always were) 'real', this author never forgets that the book is an adventure-mystery story. The plot moves along at a good clip, with a fair amount of excitement and danger and suspense involved. I enjoyed learning about the historical facts of the ammunitions plant, while also feeling happy, scared, sad, etc. for the charactres involved.

I am really looking forward to reading the next book in this series.

    2021 adventure-thriller canadian-authors

Camile Reads

118 reviews

March 16, 2021

The 4th of 6 books in the Camp X series. My sons and I are still loving it and can’t wait to start book #5! If you are looking for a series to read with your 7-12 year old boys, I highly recommend this one.


1 review

October 21, 2017

It was good



8 reviews

April 3, 2018

I liked it but it is not one of my favourite books ever


30 reviews

November 14, 2021

It had a good amount of action in it. It kind of is getting rid of the history content within WW2 but it a fun read. Would recommend for a easier history read.


274 reviews10 followers

May 25, 2015

The fourth in a series about Camp X, the WWII spy training school in Ontario-Eric Walters creates an exciting young adult fiction about two boys who have a knack for intelligence and save the day when Nazi secret agents try to blow up a munitions factory. Besides the larger than life action/adventure, young readers will gain historical understanding about the war effort at home and the part women played, along with the life and death dangers of the intelligence service on the home front. Would love the see 'historical notes' included as an appendix, and could do without the reference to the brother getting a 'hickey'. Appreciate that the brothers have an obvious camaraderie and care for each other.

Bev Walkling

1,158 reviews44 followers

January 10, 2014

This is the 4th book in the Camp X series and the second one which I have read. Aimed at young readers, these books tell the tale of two brothers who have a habit of getting themselves involved in all sorts of hazardous war-time adventures because of their insatiable curiosity. While it would have helped reading the 2 books directly before this one, the novels till works as a stand-alone and does reveal some Canadian history which is very interesting and not very well known to the general public. I'm inspired to read some adult books on Camp X to learn more.

    children history suspense

Annie Kate

366 reviews18 followers

December 31, 2013

Deserves 3.5 stars.

    fiction historical-fiction history-canadian

Monica Lukudu

39 reviews


July 25, 2016



1 review

November 17, 2016

Very good!

Displaying 1 - 10 of 10 reviews

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Shell Shocked (Camp X, #4) (2024)


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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Rating: 4.7 / 5 (77 voted)

Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.