How Big is the Big Island of Hawaii compared to other states? | Venture Hawaii (2024)

Table of Contents
Key Takeaway: Introduction Brief overview of Hawaii and its unique geographical features Highlight the topic of the article: exploring the size of the Big Island of Hawaii compared to other states and countries The Size of the Big Island The area of the Big Island Population and Elevation Population of Hawaii and the Big Island Elevation of Hawaii and the Big Island Comparisons with Other States and Countries Size Comparisons Distance Comparisons Fun Facts and Miscellaneous Information Answer frequently asked questions about Hawaii, such as other names of Hawaii, the closest country and state to Hawaii, and travel options Provide interesting facts about the Big Island and Hawaii as a whole, such as the number of volcanoes forming the Big Island, driving time around the Big Island, and notable attractions Conclusion Emphasize the overall fascination of Hawaii, combining its size, distance to other states and countries, and other unique aspects Encourage readers to explore the Big Island of Hawaii and experience its natural wonders Some Facts About How Big is the Big Island of Hawaii Compared to Other States: FAQs about How Big Is The Big Island Of Hawaii Compared To Other States? How big is the Big Island of Hawaii compared to other states? Which US state is smaller than the Big Island of Hawaii in size? How does the size of Hawaii compare to Texas? Which US state is larger than Hawaii but has a lower population? Are there any US states larger than Hawaii? How big is the Big Island of Hawaii compared to California? Related posts: Recent Posts References

Key Takeaway:

  • The Big Island of Hawaii is the largest island in the Hawaiian Islands, covering an area of 4,028 square miles, which represents 63% of Hawaii’s total land mass.
  • In comparison to other islands and states, the Big Island is significantly larger. The Hawaiian Islands themselves are the largest islands in the world, spanning 2,300 miles from east to west and 1,800 miles from north to south.
  • With a population size that includes the entire state of Hawaii, the Big Island has a relatively smaller population. The elevation of Hawaii is also noteworthy, as it reaches about 9,900 feet above sea level, making it higher than Los Angeles, California.


Hawaii, with its unique geographical features, draws attention to its largest island, commonly known as the Big Island. We will explores the size of the Big Island of Hawaii in relation to other states and countries. As we delve into the topic, we’ll discover captivating facts and figures that highlight the impressive scale of this Hawaiian gem. So, get ready to embark on a journey of geographical comparisons and unravel the true magnitude of the Big Island.

Brief overview of Hawaii and its unique geographical features

Hawaii is an enthralling destination to explore. The Big Island alone covers an area of 4,028 square miles, making it 63% of the total land mass of Hawaii. It sits in the Pacific Ocean, making it the largest island in the US and in the world. It extends 2,300 miles from east to west and 1,800 miles from north to south.

The Big Island is bigger than Rhode Island and Ohio. Internationally, it’s larger than San Marino, Tuvalu, and Vatican City. It’s even bigger than Japan and the UK. Plus, its population and elevation are remarkable too. Its population includes the Big Island’s inhabitants. Also, Hawaii is 9,900 feet above sea level – higher than Los Angeles.

Hawaii may appear secluded, but it’s connected to states such as California and Alaska. Plus, it’s not far from Japan and Australia either. On the Big Island, there are five major volcanoes, and it takes six hours to drive around the entire island. Plus, it offers incredible attractions such as beaches, rainforests, and Volcanoes National Park.

Highlight the topic of the article: exploring the size of the Big Island of Hawaii compared to other states and countries

The article dives into the size of the Big Island of Hawaii. It compares its size to other states and countries. The main aim is to give a full understanding of the Big Island’s size and how it relates to other areas.

It starts by providing an overview of Hawaii’s unique geographical features. Then, it focuses on comparing the Big Island’s size to other states and countries.

It mentions that the Big Island covers 4,028 square miles, making up 63% of Hawaii’s total land mass. It compares the Big Island to other islands and states.

It discusses the population and elevation of Hawaii. It states the total population of Hawaii and the population of the Big Island. It notes that Hawaii is around 9,900 feet above sea level, higher than Los Angeles in California.

It compares Hawaii’s size to states such as Texas, California, Ohio, and Rhode Island. It also compares it to countries like United Kingdom, Japan, San Marino, Tuvalu, and Vatican City. Additionally, it gives distance comparisons from Hawaii to places like California, Alaska, Japan, and Russia.

The article includes a section about fun facts and miscellaneous information about Hawaii. It answers frequently asked questions and provides interesting details about the Big Island’s attractions.

The Size of the Big Island

Covering an expansive area of land, the Big Island of Hawaii stands out amongst its fellow states. In this section, we’ll examine the size of this island and gain insights into its vastness. Discover the remarkable dimensions and geographical features that contribute to the Big Island’s unique stature.

The area of the Big Island

The Big Island of Hawaii stands out for its huge size. It covers 4,028 square miles63% of Hawaii’s total land area. This makes it larger than Rhode Island and Ohio combined. And it stretches 2,300 miles from east to west and 1,800 miles from north to south.

Hawaii is closer to Japan than California is to New York. This shows its unique position.

The Big Island is also impressive in its elevation. It rises 9,900 feet above sea level, higher than Los Angeles. This adds to the variety of landscapes within its vast expanse.

When visiting the Big Island, don’t forget its immense size. It offers stunning coastlines and volcanic landscapes. It’s an experience you’ll never forget.

Mention that the Big Island is 4,028 square miles, representing 63% of Hawaii’s total land mass

The Big Island of Hawaii is an incredible destination. It’s 4,028 square miles cover 63% of Hawaii’s land mass – making it larger than Texas, California, Ohio, and Rhode Island. Even compared to nations around the globe, the Big Island stands out. From the United Kingdom to Japan, no other place rivals this grandeur.

The Big Island also stands out for its elevation. At 9,900 feet above sea level, it’s higher than Los Angeles. This high altitude not only brings beautiful views, but also a cooler climate than many other tropical locations.

The Big Island has much to offer. From its size to its elevation, it’s clear why Hawaii is such an amazing place. Nature lovers and adventure seekers alike will find it a paradise.

Compare the size of the Big Island to other islands and states

The Big Island of Hawaii stands out for its size! It’s 4,028 square miles, making up 63% of the total land mass of Hawaii. In fact, the Hawaiian Islands are the largest islands in the world. They stretch 2,300 miles east to west and 1,800 miles north to south.

Let’s compare the size of the Big Island to other places. Here’s a table:

Big Island (Hawaii)TexasCaliforniaOhioRhode Island
Size (square miles)4,028268,597163,69644,8251,034

The whole of Hawaii has a population of 1.5 million people, and a significant portion of them live on the Big Island.

It’s interesting to note that Hawaii wasn’t always part of the U.S. It became a territory in 1898 and a state in 1959. Its inclusion increased the diversity and richness of the U.S.

Exploring the Big Island and understanding its scale is an experience that will capture your imagination and awe!

Highlight that the Hawaiian Islands are the largest islands in the world, spanning 2,300 miles from east to west and 1,800 miles from north to south

The Hawaiian Islands are the biggest islands worldwide. They span 2,300 miles east-west and 1,800 miles north-south. That’s like travelling from New York to LA, then to Canada, and then from Washington to Mexico!

Besides the amazing size, these islands offer a diverse range of ecosystems and climates. Each has its own special geography, topography, and sights to explore.

Furthermore, even though the population of Hawaii is small, the elevation is high enough to make Los Angeles seem like lowlands.

Population and Elevation

With a population that continues to grow and breathtaking elevations, let’s dive into the fascinating world of Hawaii and its Big Island. We’ll explore the population dynamics of both Hawaii and the Big Island, shedding light on their unique demographics. Additionally, we’ll uncover the awe-inspiring elevations that make Hawaii and the Big Island stand out from other states. Get ready to discover some intriguing facts and figures about these remarkable Hawaiian lands.

Population of Hawaii and the Big Island

The people who live in Hawaii and the Big Island are an important factor when looking at the area. The Big Island has a large population that adds to the diversity of the region.

To understand the population of Hawaii and the Big Island better, we can use a table. It will show us the population of each area.

Hawaii[Total Population of Hawaii]
Big Island[Population of the Big Island]

The table makes it easier to compare the population sizes.

Also, the Big Island has a lot of people living there. This makes the total population of Hawaii higher than it would be without the Big Island.

Travelers should consider visiting the Big Island. It has an exciting culture and many activities to enjoy. Though Hawaii is not very big, the Big Island has lots of people and fun things to do.

State the total population of Hawaii and highlight the population of the Big Island

The article talks about the overall population of Hawaii. It states the population of Hawaii as [population of Hawaii] and the population of the Big Island as [population of Big Island]. It does not mention the elevation’s effect on the population.

For accuracy, one should refer to reliable sources or government data. The article ends with a mention of population variations over time. Amazingly, Hawaii has an incredible elevation of 9,900 feet. It’s almost like an island on top of the world, towering over Los Angeles!

Elevation of Hawaii and the Big Island

Hawaii and the Big Island rise high. At a towering 9,900 feet above sea level, it’s higher than Los Angeles! This elevation gives the islands an amazing beauty, that draws people from all over the world. It’s truly captivating!

Mention that Hawaii is about 9,900 feet above sea level, making it higher than Los Angeles, California

Hawaii stands tall at approx. 9,900 feet above sea level – way higher than Los Angeles! It’s volcanic formation is responsible for this remarkable feat. With lava accumulation, the islands have been elevated, offering breathtaking views and diverse landscapes.

Hawaii is perfect for exploration and adventure-seekers. Its towering peaks and cascading waterfalls offer plenty of hiking and sightseeing opportunities. There’s Haleakala on Maui and Mauna Kea on the Big Island – both offering incredible views!

The highest point in Hawaii is Mauna Kea on the Big Island. It reaches 13,796 feet above sea level – an iconic landmark.

Visitors can take part in various activities, from hiking to scenic lookout points to helicopter tours. Explore volcanic craters, take in panoramic views and be in awe of Hawaii’s natural allure. Get ready to be amazed by the size of the Big Island – it’s bigger than your Monday morning coffee!

Comparisons with Other States and Countries

When it comes to the size and geographical comparisons, the Big Island of Hawaii stands out. In this section, we will explore how this remarkable island compares to other states and countries. From size comparisons to distance measurements, we will uncover fascinating facts that highlight the unique scale of the Big Island. Get ready to be amazed by the sheer magnitude of this volcanic wonder and the remarkable perspectives it offers in relation to other regions.

Size Comparisons


A table can be created to compare the size of the Big Island in square miles to other states and countries. It will include Texas, California, Ohio, Rhode Island, the United Kingdom, Japan, San Marino, Tuvalu, and Vatican City. Plus, the distances from Hawaii to states like California, Texas, Alaska, Florida, New York, and Washington, as well as different countries like Japan, Australia, the UK, Kenya, China, and Russia.

The Big Island is 2,300 miles from east to west and 1,800 miles from north to south, making it one of the largest island chains worldwide.

For those interested in exploring different regions and seeking attractions, the Big Island of Hawaii is an ideal destination. It offers a unique combination of size, distance from other regions, and notable features.

Compare the size of Hawaii to Texas, California, Ohio, and Rhode Island

The size of Hawaii is often compared to other states. When looking at Texas, California, Ohio, and Rhode Island, it is clear that Hawaii is much smaller.

To show this, a table can be created. The columns will be the states being compared: Texas, California, Ohio, Rhode Island, and Hawaii. Each column will display the land area in square miles.

StateLand Area (square miles)
Rhode Island1,034

It is important to remember that although Hawaii is small compared to each of these states, the Hawaiian Islands cover a large area when taken together. They stretch 2,300 miles east to west and 1,800 miles north to south.

In comparison, these countries would feel quite cramped: United Kingdom, Japan, San Marino, Tuvalu, and Vatican City.

Discuss other countries’ sizes in comparison to Hawaii – United Kingdom, Japan, San Marino, Tuvalu, and Vatican City

The UK, Japan, San Marino, Tuvalu, and Vatican City are countries similar to Hawaii in size. Let’s check out a table that compares the size of these countries to Hawaii.

CountrySize (Square Miles)
United KingdomReference Data Needed
JapanReference Data Needed
San MarinoReference Data Needed
TuvaluReference Data Needed
Vatican CityReference Data Needed

Each of these countries has its own special traits and culture. Even though they are smaller than Hawaii, they have lots to offer visitors.

Pro tip: When looking at different countries’ sizes in comparison to Hawaii, remember to check out their cultural elements and history. This can help you understand and appreciate each country’s unique qualities!

Hawaii is like an American layover in paradise when flying to other states.

Distance Comparisons


Hawaii’s position in the Pacific Ocean allows for fascinating distance comparisons to other states and nations. The huge gap between Hawaii and various destinations emphasizes the special isolation of the islands.

A chart can be made to demonstrate the distances between Hawaii and distinct states and countries. This table would have columns for the names of the places, whether they are states or countries, and the exact distances from Hawaii.

Notably, Hawaii is around 2,400 miles from California, its closest U.S. state neighbor. Moreover, Japan is one of the closest foreign countries to Hawaii, with a distance of roughly 3,800 miles.

Pro Tip: When organizing a journey to Hawaii, take into account the important travel distances included. It may be practical to give more time for travel and explore multiple destinations within Hawaii to make the most of your trip.

Discuss the distance from Hawaii to other states – California, Texas, Alaska, Florida, New York, and Washington

Hawaii is significantly far from other states, such as California, Texas, Alaska, Florida, New York, and Washington. To show this distance, a table can be created with the states in one column and the distances in another (in miles or kilometers).

Also, Hawaii is distant from the other parts of the US due to its Pacific location. This makes it distinct.

These great distances affect travel times and costs. Reaching Hawaii from these locations requires planning and often longer periods of travel than domestic trips within the continental US.

We can appreciate Hawaii’s isolation, which contributes to its charm as an island paradise.

Mention the distance from Hawaii to other countries – Japan, Australia, the UK, Kenya, China, and Russia

Hawaii is an isolated island chain in the Pacific Ocean. From Japan, it’s 4,000 miles away. Australia? 7,600. England: 5,000. Kenya: 8,400. China: 6,000. Russia: 5,800.

The following chart outlines the distances:

CountryDistance (in miles)

Hawaii’s remote location can be a draw to travelers. It offers a paradise of culture, nature, and beauty.

Throughout history, the vast distances between Hawaii and other countries have had an effect on its culture. For example, the bond between Japan and Hawaii has created a Japanese-influenced cuisine and customs. Additionally, Hawaii’s closeness to the US mainland made it a major strategic location during WWII.

Fun Facts and Miscellaneous Information

Get ready to uncover some intriguing information about the Big Island of Hawaii! We’ll dive into answering frequently asked questions about Hawaii, share interesting facts about the Big Island and Hawaii as a whole, and provide you with notable attractions to explore. From learning about the other names of Hawaii to discovering the number of volcanoes forming the Big Island, this section is packed with fascinating tidbits that will surely pique your curiosity. Let’s get started!

Answer frequently asked questions about Hawaii, such as other names of Hawaii, the closest country and state to Hawaii, and travel options

Hawaii is famously known as the Aloha State. The nearest country is Japan, which is 3,850 miles away. Alaska is the closest state – 2,285 miles northeast of the Big Island. To get there, you can take a flight or a boat.

Hawaii is a chain of islands stretching east-west for 2,300 miles and north-south for 1,800 miles. The Big Island itself has 200k people, and is 9,900 feet above sea level – higher than Los Angeles. When visiting Hawaii, it is recommended to rent a car. This way, you can explore the many volcanoes and take scenic road trips.

Enjoy the Big Island fully!

Provide interesting facts about the Big Island and Hawaii as a whole, such as the number of volcanoes forming the Big Island, driving time around the Big Island, and notable attractions

Surprising Facts About the Big Island and Hawaii

Hawaii, the Big Island included, is renowned for its amazing geography and distinct qualities. The Big Island is made up of 5 active volcanoes: Mauna Kea, Mauna Loa, Hualalai, Kohala and Kilauea.

These volcanoes make the Big Island a hotspot for volcanic activity lovers and scientists.

Exploring the Big Island, you can experience various landscapes in a small area. Driving around the island takes 5-6 hours without stops.

During this drive, you’ll get to see striking changes in the scenery, from abundant rainforests to desolate lava fields.

Apart from its volcanoes, Hawaii has lots of attractions. You can visit lovely beaches, go snorkeling or scuba diving in coral reefs full of marine life, or take hikes on scenic coastal trails.

Also, Hawaii is known for its deep cultural heritage. You can witness traditional Hawaiian music and dance performances.

These remarkable facts about the Big Island and Hawaii demonstrate the natural beauty and one-of-a-kind experiences waiting for travelers who choose to visit this captivating destination.


With its astonishing size, captivating distance from other states and countries, and a plethora of unique aspects, the conclusion of our exploration emphasizes the overall fascination of the Big Island of Hawaii. Encouraging readers to delve into this remarkable destination and experience its breathtaking natural wonders.

Emphasize the overall fascination of Hawaii, combining its size, distance to other states and countries, and other unique aspects

Hawaii’s alluring charm is due to its size, distance from other countries and states, and singularities. Especially, the Big Island stands out with its massive area of 4,028 square miles, which is 63% of Hawaii’s territory. The Hawaiian Islands are the biggest in the world, stretching 2,300 miles from east to west and 1,800 miles from north to south.

Furthermore, the population of Hawaii is captivating. The Big Island’s population is particularly noteworthy. And, the elevation of Hawaii is higher than Los Angeles, at 9,900 feet above sea level, making it even more magnificent.

Also, Hawaii’s vastness is greater than other states like Texas, California, Ohio, and Rhode Island. Plus, other countries like the United Kingdom, Japan, San Marino, Tuvalu, and Vatican City cannot compete with its size. Moreover, Hawaii’s distance from other states like California, Texas, Alaska, Florida, New York, and Washington, as well as countries like Japan, Australia, UK, Kenya, China, and Russia, emphasize its remoteness.

In addition, some fun facts about Hawaii and the Big Island make it even more fascinating. The Big Island is created by five volcanoes, and some interesting questions about it are often asked, like alternate names for Hawaii, the closest country (Japan), nearby state (Alaska), and travel options. Driving around the Big Island takes 3 hours, but it’s worth it to see the gorgeous scenery. Hawaii is truly an extraordinary destination.

Encourage readers to explore the Big Island of Hawaii and experience its natural wonders

The Big Island of Hawaii is a captivating destination. It lures readers to explore its natural wonders. It’s unique and vast, with 4,028 square miles – 63% of Hawaii’s land mass. It’s bigger than many islands and states! The Hawaiian Islands are the largest in the world. They stretch 2,300 miles east-west and 1,800 miles north-south.

The Big Island has a thriving population, too – 1.42 million people in Hawaii, with a significant portion on the Big Island. It has remarkable elevation, standing 9,900 feet above sea level – higher than Los Angeles!

Its impressive size can be compared to other states and countries. Texas would fit in the Big Island several times over. California, Ohio, and Rhode Island, too. Countries like United Kingdom and Japan would be dwarfed by this island’s expanse.

The distance from Hawaii to other states and countries is striking. To get to California, cross 2,500 miles of Pacific Ocean. The same for Alaska, New York, Japan, and Russia.

The size and location of the Big Island invite travelers to explore its attractions. Volcanoes, underwater scenery, and beaches – the Big Island of Hawaii has it all. Drive around the island or visit the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Uncover the unique experiences – unforgettable ones!

Some Facts About How Big is the Big Island of Hawaii Compared to Other States:

  • ✅ The Big Island of Hawaii is 4,028 square miles, which is 63% of the state’s total land mass. (Source: Microblife)
  • ✅ It is bigger than all the other islands combined and even bigger than the states of Rhode Island and Delaware combined. (Source: Microblife)
  • ✅ The Hawaiian Islands are the largest islands in the world, spanning about 2,300 miles from east to west and 1,800 miles from north to south. (Source: Microblife)
  • ✅ The population of Hawaii is 1,321,545, with the Big Island being the most populous island with 377,096 residents. (Source: Microblife)
  • ✅ The Big Island is about 41 times smaller than Texas and about 24 times smaller than California. (Source: Microblife)

FAQs about How Big Is The Big Island Of Hawaii Compared To Other States?

How big is the Big Island of Hawaii compared to other states?

The Big Island of Hawaii is 4,028 square miles, which is 63% of the state’s total land mass. It is bigger than all the other islands combined and even bigger than the states of Rhode Island and Delaware combined.

Which US state is smaller than the Big Island of Hawaii in size?

Kansas is smaller than Hawaii in size, with a population of just over 3 million compared to Hawaii’s population of over 1.5 million.

How does the size of Hawaii compare to Texas?

Hawaii is about the same size as Texas, with both islands spanning about 1,100 miles from north to south and 600 miles from east to west.

Which US state is larger than Hawaii but has a lower population?

Ohio is larger than Hawaii in size but has a population of just over 11 million compared to Hawaii’s population of just over 1.3 million.

Are there any US states larger than Hawaii?

The states of New Jersey, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Maryland, and Vermont are all larger than Hawaii but closer in size compared to the other states.

How big is the Big Island of Hawaii compared to California?

The Big Island of Hawaii is about 24 times smaller than California.

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How Big is the Big Island of Hawaii compared to other states? | Venture Hawaii (2024)


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