Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas: A Literary Devices Study Guide (2024)


Welcome to the captivating world of “Crown of Midnight” by Sarah J. Maas! 📚✨ This is the second book in the thrilling “Throne of Glass” series, which has captured the hearts of fantasy lovers around the globe. Sarah J. Maas, a New York Times bestselling author, is known for her ability to weave magical worlds filled with daring adventures, complex characters, and gripping plots.


“Crown of Midnight” falls into the fantasy genre, specifically high fantasy, due to its setting in a completely fictional world with its own set of rules and magic. The book was published in August 2013 and has since been a beacon for readers seeking a mix of mystery, romance, and action-packed sequences.

Set in the kingdom of Adarlan, the story continues to follow the journey of Celaena Sardothien, a young and formidable assassin with a mysterious past and an uncertain future. As the King’s Champion, Celaena finds herself caught between her deadly duties, the promise of freedom, and the fight against a darkness that threatens to engulf the world she knows.

Join us as we delve into the mesmerizing and perilous world Sarah J. Maas has created. Whether you’re a returning fan or new to the series, “Crown of Midnight” promises a journey filled with heart-pounding moments, intricate relationships, and the unyielding spirit of a heroine determined to forge her own path. 🌟📖

Plot Summary

“Crown of Midnight” by Sarah J. Maas is a tale of intrigue, power, and hidden truths. Here’s a detailed plot summary, breaking down the main events, the exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution:

Exposition — Celaena Sardothien, the most feared assassin in the land, is now the King of Adarlan’s Champion. Despite her new role, she harbors deep resentment towards the king and secretly defies his orders by faking the deaths of his enemies.

Rising Action — Celaena’s relationships grow more complex as she navigates her friendship with Princess Nehemia, a supporter of the rebellion, and deepens her romantic involvement with Chaol Westfall, the Captain of the Guard. Meanwhile, she uncovers a conspiracy against the kingdom and discovers magical artifacts that hint at a deeper, ancient magic at play within the castle walls.

Climax — The story reaches its peak when Nehemia is brutally murdered. Celaena, stricken with grief and rage, blames Chaol for his indirect role in Nehemia’s death due to his failure to protect her. She confronts the king, revealing her magical abilities, and learns that Nehemia’s death was part of a larger plot to incite Celaena into embracing her destiny.

Falling Action — In her quest for vengeance and answers, Celaena battles monstrous creatures and unveils secrets about her heritage. She discovers she is not just an assassin; she is Fae, possessing powerful magic, and is also the lost heir of Terrasen, Aelin Galathynius.

Resolution — Celaena resolves to confront her destiny head-on but decides to do so in secret. She agrees to the king’s mission to assassinate the royal family of Wendlyn under the pretense of serving him, but her true intention is to learn more about her powers and gather allies against the king.

— Through heartbreak, betrayal, and the revelation of her true identity, Celaena emerges from the shadows as Aelin, ready to reclaim her throne and fight for freedom. The book closes with her setting sail for Wendlyn, leaving behind her life in Adarlan to embrace her fate as queen and savior of her people.

“Crown of Midnight” skillfully combines elements of fantasy, mystery, and romance, escalating the series’ overarching narrative and setting the stage for epic battles and revelations to come. Each event in the plot intricately connects to the next, creating a story that’s both thrilling and emotionally resonant.

Character Analysis

In “Crown of Midnight” by Sarah J. Maas, characters are meticulously crafted, each with their distinct motivations, personalities, and developments. Let’s explore the main characters and their journeys throughout the story.

  • Celaena Sardothien — The protagonist, Celaena, is an assassin with unmatched skills, intelligence, and a hidden heritage. Throughout the story, she exhibits remarkable strength, cunning, and a fierce loyalty to those she loves. Her character undergoes significant development as she grapples with her identity, her past, and her evolving relationships, particularly with Chaol and Nehemia. Her journey from a hardened assassin to embracing her destiny as Aelin Galathynius, the lost queen of Terrasen, marks her profound character growth.
  • Chaol Westfall — As the Captain of the Guard and a close friend to Celaena, Chaol is honorable, steadfast, and conflicted. His loyalty to the crown is tested as his feelings for Celaena deepen, and he becomes increasingly involved in the kingdom’s dark secrets. His character arc explores themes of duty versus heart, leading to significant personal and ethical dilemmas.
  • Nehemia Ytger — A princess from Eyllwe and a clandestine rebel leader, Nehemia’s friendship with Celaena is central to the story. She is wise, brave, and committed to her people’s freedom. Nehemia’s tragic death is a turning point in the book, serving as the catalyst for Celaena’s transformation and the deeper exploration of political and magical conflicts within the kingdom.
  • Dorian Havilliard — The Crown Prince of Adarlan, Dorian begins to question his father’s tyrannical rule and his own role in the kingdom. His discovery of his magical abilities introduces internal and external conflicts, highlighting the themes of power, identity, and rebellion. Dorian’s character evolves from a somewhat naive prince into a more complex and determined figure, seeking to understand the magic within him and its implications for his future.

Here’s a summary table for quick reference:

Celaena SardothienSkilled, cunning, loyalTo navigate her identity and past, protect loved onesEmbraces her destiny as Aelin, the lost queen
Chaol WestfallHonorable, steadfast, conflictedDuty to the crown versus love for CelaenaGrapples with loyalty and ethical dilemmas
Nehemia YtgerWise, brave, committedFreedom for her peopleCatalyst for Celaena’s transformation
Dorian HavilliardNaive, complex, determinedUnderstand and control his magical abilitiesSeeks to oppose his father’s tyranny

These characters, with their intricate personalities and evolving motivations, drive the narrative forward, each playing a crucial role in the unfolding story. Their relationships, conflicts, and growth not only enrich the plot but also add depth to the themes of power, identity, and resistance against tyranny.

Themes and Symbols

“Crown of Midnight” by Sarah J. Maas is rich with themes and symbols that enhance the story’s depth and convey broader messages about power, identity, and sacrifice. Here’s a look at the major themes and symbols present in the book:

  • Power and Corruption — The abuse of power and the corruption it breeds are central themes. The king’s tyrannical rule and his quest for domination serve as a backdrop for the characters’ struggles. This theme is explored through the characters’ internal battles between personal gain and the greater good.
  • Secrets and Discovery — Many characters harbor secrets, leading to a theme of discovery. As Celaena uncovers truths about the kingdom, her past, and her own identity, the theme highlights the journey from ignorance to enlightenment, and the power of truth to change the course of destiny.
  • Friendship and Loyalty — The relationships between Celaena, Nehemia, Chaol, and Dorian explore the depths of friendship and loyalty. These relationships are tested by the harsh realities of their world, emphasizing the strength and sacrifice required to maintain bonds in the face of adversity.
  • Fate and Free Will — The tension between destiny and choice runs through the narrative. Celaena’s struggle to accept her fate as Aelin and her efforts to forge her own path underscore the conflict between accepting one’s destiny and exerting free will.
  • Magic and Heritage — Magic represents both heritage and power. Celaena’s discovery of her magical abilities and her Fae heritage symbolizes a return to roots and an embracing of true identity. Magic is a symbol of the characters’ connection to history, nature, and their inner selves.
  • The Wyrdmarks — These ancient symbols serve as a literal and metaphorical key to unlocking secrets of the past and present. They symbolize the connection between different realms, the power of knowledge, and the potential to change reality through understanding and manipulation of the magical language.
  • The Clock Tower — As a prominent feature in the castle of Rifthold, the clock tower is a symbol of time’s passage and its effects on the characters and their decisions. It also represents the countdown to inevitable confrontations and changes.

These themes and symbols intertwine to weave a complex narrative where characters must navigate a world of power struggles, hidden truths, and moral dilemmas. The richness of these themes and symbols contributes to the overall meaning of the story, emphasizing the importance of identity, the corrupting nature of power, and the value of loyalty and friendship.

Style and Tone

Sarah J. Maas’s writing style and tone in “Crown of Midnight” play a significant role in crafting the book’s mood and atmosphere, contributing to the immersive experience of the reader. Here’s a deeper look into how these elements come together:

  • Descriptive and Vivid Imagery — Maas uses detailed descriptions to bring the world of “Crown of Midnight” to life. From the opulent, dangerous courts of Adarlan to the dark, mysterious catacombs beneath the castle, the vivid imagery allows readers to visualize the setting and feel the atmosphere of tension, intrigue, and magic that pervades the story.
  • Pacing and Structure — The pacing in “Crown of Midnight” varies, with fast-paced action sequences that keep the adrenaline running, interspersed with slower, character-driven scenes that allow for emotional development and plot depth. This structure maintains reader engagement and builds suspense, leading up to climactic moments.
  • First-person and Third-person Limited Perspectives — The narrative shifts between the third-person limited perspectives of several key characters, providing insights into their thoughts and motivations. This choice deepens the reader’s connection to the characters and offers a multifaceted view of the story’s events.
  • Emotional Tone — The tone of “Crown of Midnight” ranges from dark and foreboding to tender and introspective. Maas skillfully evokes a spectrum of emotions, from the thrill of battle to the pain of loss and the sweetness of romance, creating a rich emotional landscape that mirrors the complexity of the characters’ journeys.
  • Dialogue and Interaction — Character interactions and dialogue are key to Maas’s style, revealing personality traits, relationships, and plot developments. The witty banter, heartfelt conversations, and fiery confrontations all contribute to character development and thematic depth.
  • Themes and Symbolism — The writing is layered with themes of power, identity, and sacrifice, and enriched with symbols like Wyrdmarks and magical artifacts. Maas weaves these elements throughout the narrative, adding layers of meaning that invite analysis and reflection.

Together, these elements of style and tone set “Crown of Midnight” apart, making it not just a tale of magic and adventure, but a deeply emotional journey that resonates with readers. Maas’s ability to blend action with character introspection, set against a richly imagined world, makes the book a compelling read in the fantasy genre.

Literary Devices used in Crown of Midnight

Sarah J. Maas utilizes a variety of literary devices in “Crown of Midnight” to enhance the storytelling, create depth, and evoke emotions. Here are the top 10 literary devices used in the book:

  1. Foreshadowing — Maas uses hints and clues to suggest future events in the story. This technique builds anticipation and keeps readers engaged, eager to see how these hints unfold.
  2. Metaphor — The use of metaphorical language adds layers of meaning, comparing elements of the story to broader concepts without using “like” or “as.” For instance, Celaena’s journey can be seen as a metaphor for breaking free from one’s past and embracing one’s true identity.
  3. Simile — Similes, comparisons using “like” or “as,” are used to describe characters, settings, and emotions, making them more vivid and relatable. An example could be describing the tension in a room as thick “like a fog.”
  4. Imagery — Maas’s use of detailed and vivid descriptions helps readers visualize the world of Adarlan and its inhabitants, engaging the senses and enhancing the immersion in the story.
  5. Symbolism — Various symbols, such as the Wyrdmarks, carry deeper meanings related to power, destiny, and the connection between worlds. These symbols enrich the narrative and encourage deeper thought.
  6. Personification — Giving human characteristics to non-human elements, such as magic or the castle itself, personification adds a layer of enchantment and mystery to the story.
  7. Irony — The use of irony, especially situational irony, where the outcome of actions is contrary to what was expected, plays a key role in plot twists and character developments.
  8. Allusion — Allusions to mythological and historical elements create a richer backdrop for the story, adding depth and context to the fantasy world Maas has created.
  9. Hyperbole — Exaggeration is used for emphasis or humor, highlighting characters’ traits or the extremity of situations.
  10. Alliteration — The repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words in close proximity adds a lyrical quality to the prose, enhancing its readability and aesthetic appeal.

Each of these literary devices contributes to the texture and depth of “Crown of Midnight,” enriching the narrative and making it a memorable read. They allow Maas to weave complexity into her storytelling, engaging readers both intellectually and emotionally.

Literary Devices Examples

In “Crown of Midnight” by Sarah J. Maas, literary devices are employed skillfully to enhance the narrative. Below are tables providing examples and explanations for each of the top 10 literary devices used in the book.


Early mentions of Celaena’s headaches and discomfort around magicSuggests her deeper connection to magic and her true identity, hinting at revelations to come.
Nehemia’s cryptic warningsHints at the upcoming turmoil and challenges, preparing the reader for major plot developments.
The emphasis on the king’s interest in ancient artifactsIndicates his dark plans and the existence of deeper magical elements that will become crucial to the story.


Celaena is described as a “storm with skin.”This metaphor conveys her turbulent, powerful nature and her capacity for both destruction and renewal, emphasizing her strength and unpredictability.
The kingdom of Adarlan is often referred to as a “cage”Symbolizes the oppression and loss of freedom experienced by its inhabitants, including Celaena.


“Like a shadow, she moved silently.”Illustrates Celaena’s skill and grace as an assassin, highlighting her ability to blend into her surroundings and strike without notice.
“His heart pounded like a drum.”Conveys the intensity of emotion or fear, making the character’s experience more relatable and vivid for the reader.


Detailed descriptions of the glass castle’s gleaming towersEvokes a clear visual picture of the setting’s beauty and grandeur, contrasting with the darkness within.
The chilling depiction of the creatures in the catacombsStimulates the readers’ senses, creating an atmosphere of terror and suspense.


The WyrdkeysSymbolize power, control, and the potential for both creation and destruction. They are central to the king’s plans and the overall conflict.
Celaena’s amethyst pendantRepresents her past and connection to her family, serving as a reminder of her motivations and true identity.


“The castle whispered secrets at night.”Imbues the setting with a mysterious, almost sentient quality, enhancing the atmosphere of intrigue and ancient magic.


Celaena, an assassin, is working to subtly undermine the king she servesHighlights the irony of her position, where her role as the king’s champion is at odds with her true intentions and feelings.


References to mythological creatures and legendsEnriches the world-building by drawing on familiar myths, suggesting a deeper history and complexity to the world Maas has created.


“She could run faster than the wind.”Exaggerates Celaena’s abilities to highlight her exceptional skills and the almost supernatural aspects of her character.


“Whispering winds wielded wicked words.”Adds a poetic quality to the prose, enhancing the mood and contributing to the book’s overall aesthetic appeal.

These examples show how Sarah J. Maas uses literary devices to add depth, evoke emotions, and create a vivid and immersive world in “Crown of Midnight.” Through these techniques, the narrative becomes more engaging and layered, offering readers not just a story, but an experience.

Crown of Midnight – FAQs

What genre does Crown of Midnight belong to?
Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas is a high fantasy novel. It features a detailed fantasy world with its own set of rules, magic system, and a complex political landscape.

Who is the main character in Crown of Midnight?
The main character is Celaena Sardothien, a highly skilled assassin who serves as the king’s champion but harbors deep resentment towards him and secretly undermines his orders.

How does Crown of Midnight differ from Throne of Glass?
Crown of Midnight, the second book in the series, dives deeper into character development, unveils more about the fantasy world’s magic and history, and presents a darker and more complex plot compared to Throne of Glass.

What are the major themes in Crown of Midnight?
Major themes include power and corruption, the quest for identity, the importance of friendship and loyalty, and the struggle between fate and free will.

Does Crown of Midnight contain magic?
Yes, magic plays a crucial role in the story. Though it is largely suppressed in the kingdom of Adarlan, its presence and significance grow throughout the book, especially with revelations about Celaena’s own magical heritage.

Is there a romantic element in Crown of Midnight?
Yes, romance is a significant aspect of the book, particularly in the evolving relationships between Celaena, Chaol Westfall (the Captain of the Guard), and Dorian Havilliard (the Crown Prince of Adarlan).

What is the climax of Crown of Midnight?
The climax occurs when Celaena confronts the king and reveals her magical abilities after the brutal murder of her friend Nehemia, setting the stage for her transformation and future actions.

Can Crown of Midnight be read as a standalone novel?
While Crown of Midnight could theoretically be read on its own due to its self-contained plot, reading it as part of the series provides essential background and a fuller understanding of the characters and world.

What kind of reader would enjoy Crown of Midnight?
Readers who enjoy high fantasy with strong female protagonists, complex world-building, magical elements, and a mix of action, intrigue, and romance would find Crown of Midnight appealing.


Here’s a quiz designed to test your comprehension of “Crown of Midnight” by Sarah J. Maas. Each question is multiple-choice, highlighting key aspects of the book.

Who is Celaena Sardothien really?An ordinary assassinAelin Galathynius, heir of TerrasenA princess from EyllweA witch from the West
What significant event acts as the climax of the story?The death of the kingCelaena’s championship winNehemia’s murderDorian discovering his magic
What role does magic play in the plot?It’s barely mentionedIt’s a forbidden force growing in importanceIt’s omnipresent and commonIt’s a myth and doesn’t actually exist
Which character discovers their magical abilities?Chaol WestfallNehemia YtgerDorian HavilliardAelin Galathynius
What is the primary setting of the novel?The deserts of the Red DesertThe glass castle of RiftholdThe forests of TerrasenThe mountains of Eyllwe
What drives Celaena’s actions throughout the book?Greed for goldDesire for normal lifeThe quest for freedom and justiceRevenge against a personal enemy
Who does Celaena have a romantic relationship with in this book?Dorian HavilliardChaol WestfallNo oneAelin Galathynius

Remember, each question is designed to reflect on key points and characters in the book. Think about the plot, the characters’ journeys, and the major themes as you answer.


This exercise is designed to help students identify and understand the use of literary devices in “Crown of Midnight” by Sarah J. Maas. Read the paragraph below, and then identify the literary devices used.

Paragraph for Analysis:

In the deep shadows of the night, Celaena moved through the castle like a wraith, her steps as silent as the secrets the ancient walls whispered. The moonlight, a traitorous ally, spilled through the windows, casting a silver glow that danced across the blade sheathed at her side. Every heartbeat felt like a drumroll, heralding a duel between destiny and desire.

Literary Devices to Identify:

  1. Simile
  2. Metaphor
  3. Personification
  4. Imagery
  5. Foreshadowing
  6. Alliteration


  1. Simile — “her steps as silent as the secrets the ancient walls whispered.”
  2. Metaphor — “Every heartbeat felt like a drumroll” can also be interpreted as a metaphor for anticipation or impending action.
  3. Personification — “the secrets the ancient walls whispered.”
  4. Imagery — “The moonlight, a traitorous ally, spilled through the windows, casting a silver glow that danced across the blade sheathed at her side.”
  5. Foreshadowing — The overall mood hints at impending significant events, particularly the duel between destiny and desire.
  6. Alliteration — “deep shadows of the night,” “silent as the secrets,” and “silver glow that danced” are phrases that make use of alliteration to enhance the text’s rhythm and mood.

This exercise encourages close reading and analysis, helping students appreciate the depth and craft of Maas’s writing.

Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas: A Literary Devices Study Guide (2024)


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