BattleTech: The Animated Series/Protect and Survive (2024)

This transcript of episode six of BattleTech: The Animated Series, Protect and Survive, is based off a VHS recording from the initial airing.


  • 1 Scene 1
  • 2 Scene 2
  • 3 Scene 3
  • 4 Scene 4
  • 5 Scene 5
  • 6 Scene 6
  • 7 Scene 7
  • 8 Scene 8
  • 9 Scene 9
  • 10 Scene 10
  • 11 Scene 11
  • 12 Scene 12

Scene 1[edit]


[Aboard the Katana, the Strikers receive a communiqué from Archon Melissa Steiner-Davion.]

Melissa: I am pleased to hear of your recent success in appropriating Clan weaponry. My engineers are already incorporating the technology gleaned from your reports on the Elemental armor suits, but, sadly, I must turn down your request to replace your inoperative BattleMechs. As you know, your official mission is intelligence gathering, not combat.

[Adam angrily shuts off the message.]

Adam: We're practically at Somerset's doorstep, and the Archon cuts us off at the knees.

Rachel: I know, Adam. Somerset's my home, too, but by acquiring ClanTech, we've done more for the Inner Sphere than anything we could have accomplished on Somerset.

Adam: That doesn't help our families.

[A transmission from Hawkins breaks in on the intercom.]

Hawk: Major, I just got a message from the JumpShip Strongbow. One of their DropShips went AWOL. They think it might be headed our way.

Adam: Have Franklin report to flight deck B.

Hawk: Whoa! You're trusting that guy with a Banshee?

Adam: I need a pilot out there, and unless you can earn your wings in the next five minutes, he's my only option.

Scene 2[edit]

[Adam and Sakamoto take both Banshees out to intercept the AWOL DropShip.]

Adam: So, tell me, Franklin, where did a shipping merchant like you learn to fly an aerofighter?

Franklin: Did you imagine that you were the only believer in cross-training?

Adam: Not any more than I believe I'll ever get a straight answer out of you.

Franklin: DropShip in sight, Major.

[The two fighters approach a Leopard-class DropShip in orbit around a reddish planet.]

Adam: This is Major Adam Steiner of the AFFC hailing the DropShip Hejira. Do you copy? Repeat, this is Major Adam Steiner, hailing DropShip Hejira.

[A hatch on the dorsal hull of the Hejira slides open and a turret emerges and tracks towards the Banshees.]

Franklin: Major, look out!

[Sakamoto fires on the Hejira, destroying the turret.]

Adam: Franklin, what in blazes are you doing?

[The Hejira deploys more guns and begins firing. The Strikers return fire. A man appears in a transmission, waving a white flag.]

Captain Gray Stephens: Whoa, guys. Settle down. We're on your side.

Adam: Identify yourselves immediately.

Victor: This is Major Victor Steiner-Davion of the Twelfth Donegal Guard.

Franklin: Victor Steiner-Davion? As in…?

Adam: That's right, Mister Sakamoto, you just fired on the Prince of the Federated Commonwealth.

Scene 3[edit]

[Back aboard the Katana]

Franklin: I know what I saw, Major. They were training their lasers on you.

Adam: I'd like to avoid an international incident, Franklin, so I'd suggest you do what you do best. Keep your mouth shut.

[Adam angrily opens the hatch to let the Hejira crew aboard.]

Galen Cox: Major Steiner, I want this man [points at Sakamoto] taken into custody immediately.

Victor: I'm taking full responsibility for the incident, Galen. It's my fault for ordering radio silence. I would have done the same thing in your position, Major.

Galen: Yeah, but would you send a Drac to do the shooting?

Victor: That's enough, Galen. Don't forget, the Draconis Combine are our allies now. Ooh.

[Victor clutches his shoulder in pain.]

Adam: Your highness, we'd better have that shoulder looked at.

Galen: You're letting a Drac doctor treat the Prince?

Nakamura: For your information, Captain Cox, this DropShip and JumpShip are staffed entirely by Combine personnel.

Galen: Victor, I suggest we return to the Hejira immediately, for your own safety.

Victor: That's ridiculous. My Somerset cousin leads a fine example of cooperation with our Draconis allies.

Adam: I'm pleased you admire my work, but, with all due respect, you didn't go AWOL from your JumpShip just to evaluate my unit.

Victor: Okay, that's correct, Major. I'm here for something far more important. As you may know, Captain Galen Cox and I were stationed with the Twelfth Donegal Guard on Trellwan.

[Flashback to Trellwan. Galen sees a Star of Clan Timber Wolf OmniMechs approaching as he fires into their ranks.]

Galen: Victor, we can't hold them here much longer.

[Victor's Mauler oversees infantry rigging a bridge with explosives.]

Victor: Hang in there, Galen!

Victor (voiceover): The Clans hit us pretty hard.

[A Wolfhound is struck by fire from a Timber Wolf and plunges off the cliff into the river below.]

Victor: Galen was doing his best to hold the Pirate Canyon bridge.

[A Centurion and a Wolfhound give ground slowly as a Mad Dog, Timber Wolf, and Summoner approach, with Elemental support]

Victor: Galen, we're almost finished here.

[The Wolfhound is struck in the leg and falls off the bridge, leaving only Galen's Centurion and Victor's Mauler. Infantry climb ropes back up the slope, leaving the bridge undercarriage packed with explosives.]

Victor: Everything's in place. Galen, pull back, now!

[The Centurion fires its jump jets and rockets upwards from the bridge. A second later, the bridge explodes with the Clan force on it. The Centurion withdraws into a nearby ice cave, but is followed by a Summoner that likewise jetted clear of the conflagration.]

Victor: One Clan 'Mech made it across and chased us into the cavern.

[As the Clan 'Mech emerges into a large cavern, Victor's Mauler and Galen's Centurion rise up from a large pool in the middle of the cavern and open fire, destroying the Summoner.]

Victor: Nice shooting, Galen. Badger One to Den Mother, come in! I need a new vector to the front.

Hawksworth: Negative, Victor. You and Galen are to return to base immediately.

Victor: But, Colonel, they need us at the front.

Hawksworth: That's an order, Major.

[Back at the 12th Donegal HQ, Victor and Galen park their 'Mechs alongside the Leopard-class Hejira and enter the command center. Colonel Hawksworth comes out to meet them.]

Hawksworth: You see that DropShip? Get in it. Both of you.

Victor: I will not abandon my people! They're getting cut to ribbons out there. Do you want to go down in history as the man who lost Trellwan?

Hawksworth: There's nothing I can do about that, now. But I refuse to be known as the man who lost the Prince of the Federated Commonwealth. (To Galen) Get him out of here!

Victor: Colonel, I'm not…

Galen: I'm really sorry about this, Victor.

[Galen punches Victor in the face, knocking him out, then carries him to the Hejira.]

Victor: That was the last time I saw Trellwan. Before long, I found myself stranded here in the Butler system on an inoperable JumpShip. You see, Major, I need your JumpShip to return us to the Trellwan system, so we can rejoin our battalion.

Galen: I want to state, for the record, that I've been against this plan from the start.

Stephens: Don't mind Galen. His flak suit's wrapped a little too tight.

Galen: My orders are to see the Prince safely back to the FedCom outpost on Sudeten.

Victor: You know, I will not abandon my men simply because I happen to be the Archon's son.

Adam: Our jump drive needs a week to recharge before we can go anywhere. So, in the meantime, why don't you work out your travel plans aboard the Katana. I think you'll find the accommodations there a little more comfortable.

Scene 4[edit]

[Later, aboard the Katana, Adam carries on an intercom conversation with Rachel while exercising with a ball in microgravity.]

Rachel: Adam, I radioed the Strongbow and told them the Prince is safe and sound. Unfortunately, their jump drive will require three weeks worth of repairs. So, we've been ordered to escort Victor back to the FedCom base on Sudeten.

Adam: We're two jumps away from home and they're making us turn around?

Rachel: Adam, if you don't mind my asking, what could we possibly do for Somerset with only one working 'Mech?

[Using magnetic boots, Adam walks out into the corridor. He meets Victor's group heading the other way, and on the other side of the corridor (upside down by his perspective). He walks around to orient himself similarly, and opens a hatch.]

Adam: Gentlemen, allow me to show you to your quarters.

[The hatch slides up, revealing a pair of Elementals. Victor falls back in surprise. Galen tackles the prince.]

Galen: Victor, get down!

[The suits are revealed to be empty, being transferred by Sakamoto.]

Franklin: We are merely taking them into storage, Steiner-Davion-sama.

Stephens: Nice souvenirs, Major. Where'd you get 'em?

Galen: More importantly, why do Dracs have free access to such highly sensitive material?

Adam: Mister Sakamoto played a pivotal role in helping us seize those suits, Captain.

Galen: I don't know what kind of operation you think you're running here, Major, but you have the heir to the throne on your ship. I suggest you start taking his safety a little more seriously.

Victor: Those suits are fantastic! We could use them to infiltrate the Clans on Trellwan and Somerset.

Adam: You make a very tempting offer, cousin.

Scene 5[edit]

[Later, aboard the Katana]

Rachel: All hands, this is Lieutenant Rachel Specter. All off duty personnel will immediately report to DropShip Kwaidan.

[In the darkened ship, Sakamoto skulks through the corridors. Galen paces to and fro in front of Victor's quarters. The hatchway opens, revealing a pajama-clad prince.]

Victor: Galen, what are you doing?

Galen: Just keeping watch. You can never be too sure.

[Sakamoto overhears this conversation. He pulls a device out of a belt pouch and presses a button. A light begins blinking on the device, and a hatchway opens in front of him.]

Victor: [Yawning] Get some rest, Captain. That's an order. Listen, I didn't need babysitting on Trellwan, and I certainly don't need it now.

[Galen salutes and walks away. Sakamoto closes a hatchway behind him and continues down the corridor. He is surprised to see Hawkins walking towards him, and hides behind a corner to avoid detection. Victor sleeps in his bunk in microgravity, kept from drifting by a lap belt. A man dressed like a ninja drops out of a ceiling hatch in the Prince's room, carrying a sword. His face is masked by a red cloth and red headband. His boots and gloves are red as well. Standing over Victor, he raises the sword to strike. Victor twists out of the way just in time, so the blade only cuts the lap belt. Victor dodges another swing by jumping to the far side of the quarters, then pushing off the wall to deliver a flying kick to the ninja. While the ninja floats, stunned, Victor somersaults to a control panel and slaps an alarm button. Hawkins' communicator bleeps for attention as alarms blare.]

Hawk: Major, we got trouble in the Prince's quarters. I'm investigating now.

[Victor tackles the confused ninja from behind. The man launches them both upwards, then pushes off and slams Victor backwards into a bulkhead, causing him to lose his grip. The ninja leaps away, then pushes off the wall and flies at Victor, sword outstretched. Victor dodges and, grabbing the ninja's belt as he flies past, adds extra momentum as he hurls the man into the corridor. The doors automatically open, sending the hurtling man right into Hawkins as he arrives. The ninja escapes into a turbolift and the door closes before Hawkins can reach it. He tries to hold the door open.]

Hawk: Hawk to engineering. Shut down power on turbolift one.

[Victor walks out into the corridor.]

Hawk: Are you all right, your highness?

Victor: Forget me. I want that intruder!

[Hawkins forces open the hatch and crawls into a service tube.]

Hawk: Major, there's been an attempt on the Prince. I'm pursuing the intruder through turbolift one.

[Hawkins kicks open an access panel and dives through.]

Hawk: Docking collar A. Our buddy was heading for the Kwaidan.

[Adam is getting his boots on.]

Adam: Search the JumpShip. Lieutenant Specter, seal off the Kwaidan and conduct an immediate headcount. I want every single crew member accounted for.

[Galen grabs Adam by the lapels.]

Galen: If anything has happened to the Prince, I'm holding you personally responsible.

[Victor comes running down the corridor.]

Victor: Oh, Galen, give it a rest. I'm fine.

[Rachel approaches as well, passing Combine crewmen standing at attention outside their quarters.]

Rachel: All personnel are accounted for, Adam, with the exception of Franklin Sakamoto. No one has seen him on the Kwaidan or the Katana.

Galen: What about the Hejira?

[Aboard the Hejira, Sakamoto accesses a terminal. He looks up as a hatch opens, revealing Hawkins, Adam, Stephens, and Galen.]

Hawk: Put your hands where I can see 'em.

[Franklin raises his hands. Stephens pulls out a gun and points it at Sakamoto. Galen pushes it away.]

Galen: No! We want him alive!

Scene 6[edit]

[Later, aboard the Katana]

Hawk: Care to explain just what you were up to?

Franklin: I cannot say.

[Hawkins lifts Sakamoto up by the front of his tunic.]

Hawk: Maybe you ought to try!

Adam: That's enough, Captain. Now, Franklin, you better say something in your defense, because it looks like you're either the assassin, or you're protecting him.

Hawk: Either way, he's guilty.

Galen: Major, I want him remanded to my custody so he can face the proper authorities.

Adam: We have no hard evidence of his guilt.

[Stephens enters, holding a katana.]

Stephens: We don't? I found these in a ventilation shaft aboard the Hejira.

[Hawkins takes the katana and ninja outfit, and waves them in front of Sakamoto.]

Hawk: Yours, I believe.

Scene 7[edit]

[Adam and Rachel walk through the corridors.]

Adam: I simply can't accept that Franklin would be an assassin.

[The two approach an unmarked door, which opens as they near.]

Rachel: What are you hoping to find in here?

[Books and other debris float in the room, unsecured in the low gravity.]

Adam: Looks like someone left his locker open.

[Rachel looks at the footlocker.]

Rachel: Uh-uh. It's been forced.

Adam: I want the Prince under twenty-four hour guard.

Scene 8[edit]

[Galen, Victor, Adam, and Rachel walk through the Katana.]

Galen: I still say he'd be safer on our ship.

Victor: I will not be carried away from another fight like some helpless royal fop. I will always have enemies, Galen, whether an outside invader or a traitor from my own family. It comes with the title. What? You plan to keep me under guard when we counterattack the Clans on Trellwan?

Rachel (whispering to Adam): You haven't told him about our orders?

Adam: This whole thing may have an upside. Now, if the FedCom brass think Victor's in danger, then someone else is going to have to escort him back to Sudeten, leaving us free to move on to Somerset.

Rachel: Careful, Adam. You just made yourself a suspect.

Scene 9[edit]

[Hawkins patrols the cargo bay. He notices one of the Elemental suits is missing.]

Scene 10[edit]

[In Sakamoto's cell, Sakamoto and Nakamura talk.]

Nakamura: Franklin, why will you not confess? Your actions bring disgrace to the crew and the entire Draconis Combine.

[Hawkins enters.]

Hawk: Hey, I got orders, Doc. All nonessential personnel are confined to quarters.

Nakamura: I fail to see why all Kuritas should be punished for the actions of one individual.

Hawk: Figure it out on your own time.

[Nakamura leaves. Hawkins approaches Sakamoto.}

Hawk: All right, which one of your buddies swiped the Elemental suit?

Franklin: Why, is one missing?

[Hawkins pulls out a pistol and points it at Sakamoto.]

Hawk: Tell me who you're working with, now!

[Sakamoto grabs his arm, and they struggle. The gun goes off and starts a fire, setting off an alarm. Jets of water spray into the cell, dousing both men. Hawkins gets water in his eyes. By the time he can see again, Sakamoto is gone. Sakamoto drifts through a ventilation shaft. In his quarters, Victor tries to find out what's happening.]

Victor: Galen, what's going on out there? Galen!

[The door to the room explodes inward. An Elemental strides through, holding Galen.]

Elemental: Galen's indisposed right now.

Victor: Is he…?

Elemental: Just unconscious.

[The Elemental flips up his faceplate to reveal the face of Gray Stephens.]

Elemental: I've got other plans for you, Victor.

Victor: Stephens? But why?

Stephens: Let's just say there are factions within the Federated Commonwealth who favor a more worthy successor to the throne.

[Adam and Hawkins enter the room, guns drawn.]

Adam: Hold it right there, pal!

[Stephens grabs Victor and holds him in front of himself as a shield.]

Stephens: Anyone moves, and the Prince is history!

[Stephens fires his laser, forcing Adam and Hawkins to dive for cover. A shot blows a hole in the bulkhead, revealing another suit of Elemental armor in the hallway. It fires and hits Stephens, forcing him to drop Victor. The newcomer lifts his visor, revealing Franklin Sakamoto.]

Franklin: Stand aside, Major. I am now the Prince's only hope.

[Stephens exchanges fire with Sakamoto, then flees into the corridor, with Sakamoto in pursuit. Stephens blasts open an access hatch and jets into the turbolift shafts. Adam uses the intercom to communicate with Sakamoto.]

Adam: Franklin, try to get him to one of the outer decks. Do you copy, Franklin? Do you copy?

Franklin: Yes, Major. I believe I do.

[Stephens comes flying out of a side shaft and slams into Sakamoto from behind, then takes off down the main shaft with Franklin in pursuit. Sakamoto catches up to Stephens, and they struggle. They crash through a wall into a main corridor, sending unarmored crewmen running. A furious exchange of laser fire leaves Stephens' laser a jagged stump.]

Franklin: You must surrender, Stephens. Your weapons are depleted.

Stephens: Not quite, pal.

[Stephens fires a missile at Sakamoto, who jets out of the way. The warhead blows a huge hole in the Katana's hull, resulting in explosive decompression. Sakamoto is able to grab on to the bulkhead, but Stephens is sucked out into the void. A loose piece of metal plating (conveniently just the size of the hole) is sucked towards it and effectively seals the breach. Sakamoto goes out in a Banshee to retrieve Stephens.]

Scene 11[edit]

[Later, on the Katana, Adam and Sakamoto talk.]

Adam: So, how did you know the assassin was Stephens?

Franklin: When you found me aboard the Hejira, I was examining their computer log, searching for proof that they were targeting you before I fired upon them. I found an entry that the self-destruct program had been implemented in the Prince's 'Mech. Clearly, someone aboard the Prince's ship was the assassin. Since I could not determine which was the culprit, I had to wait for them to make another move. When I learned of a missing Elemental suit, I knew the assassin would strike again.

Adam: Why didn't you tell me any of this?

Franklin: Would you have believed me?

Scene 12[edit]

[Aboard the Kwaidan]

Victor: Mister Sakamoto, I am forever indebted to you for saving my life.

Franklin: It was a matter of giri, of honor. Even if you are the son of my enemy. When you attain the throne, I hope you will not make me regret my action.

[The Hejira disengages from the Katana. Victor remains on the Katana, and speaks with Adam and Rachel.]

Victor: You've got a brave crew, Major. We'll need their brand of valor on Trellwan…and Somerset.

Adam: I'm afraid that's not going to happen.

Victor: But, what about our plan?

[Adam and Rachel show Victor a video message from Hawksworth on Trellwan. Cut to Trellwan – Clan 'Mechs battle the Donegal Guards, with the AFFC forces giving as good as they get.]

Hawksworth: Victor Steiner-Davion's courage in battle and narrow escape from the Clan forces has spurred the men and women of the battalion to incredible acts of heroism. Morale remains high among the underground resistance on Trellwan, thanks in no small part to the continued survival of our Prince. I hate to think where we'd be if you hadn't made it, Victor.

Adam: The Clan invasion is bigger than either of us, cousin, and, like it or not, we each have a greater responsibility to the entire Commonwealth, than to any one planet or unit.

Victor: You know, you've gathered a great deal of intelligence on these Clans, cousin. I suggest we put it to good use, and plot strategy for the Clans' defeat.

BattleTech: The Animated Series/Protect and Survive (2024)


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